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News you can

Looking to get started on your steel building project but don’t know where to begin? Get inspired by SteelMaster customers from around the world and be up to date on the latest and greatest projects in the steel building industry. From backyard shed kits to container cover buildings–SteelMaster has you covered!

SteelMaster Buildings Gets “Two Thumbs Up”

New York resident happily owns a SteelMaster workshop and gives two thumbs up to SteelMaster Buildings and all of it's employees.

Shades of Steel with Alabama Carport

Alabama customer's carport is built to withstand a wide range of climate conditions through its unique clear-span, single radius, arched structure.

Steel Workshop – The Best is Yet to Come

Florida resident spends most of his time in his SteelMaster workshop re-finishing hand-made furniture and says the best if yet to come.

Steel is the Real Deal for this Arizona Man

Dan F. of Arizona says steel is the real deal when it comes to working on projects. Find out his motivation behind purchasing his SteelMaster building.

SteelMaster Building Additions – Yes, it can be done!

SteelMaster building additions can be done! If you decide you need more space later, a SteelMaster addition may be the right cost-saving idea for you.

SteelMaster Collaborates with Design Horizons

SteelMaster Collaborates with Design Horizons to achieve huge design and implementation success.

Thousands of Meters of SteelMaster Structures

Ovidiu Popa, a master builder, has successfully bought and installed thousands of meters of SteelMaster structures across Romania.

Get Winter Ready with Steel Salt Storage Buildings

State transportation officials were busy preparing for the winter season with the expected heavy snowfalls and freezing temperatures.

Wooden Shed Pales in Comparison to New Shed

Wooden shed pales in comparison to new shed of SteelMaster's Partners in Steel customer in TX, crediting the building's strength & value for an easy choice.

Ft. Lauderdale Utilities Department Storage Building

Ft. Lauderdale Utilities Department storage building was a repurposed building from Florida Fire Department, reducing waste and saving money.