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Looking to get started on your steel building project but don’t know where to begin? Get inspired by SteelMaster customers from around the world and be up to date on the latest and greatest projects in the steel building industry. From backyard shed kits to container cover buildings–SteelMaster has you covered!

Chilean Nut Factory Solves Storage Woes With Q-Huts

Huertos Del Valle, a Chilean nut factory, purchased SteelMaster Q-huts to protect their harvested products from contamination.

SteelMaster Relief Shelters in War-Torn South Sudan

AECOM, an international company that provides engineering, consulting and project management services, has stepped up to assist by purchasing several SteelMaster buildings to help Sudan in their efforts.

Hurricane Katrina Evacuee Rebuilds Using Q-hut

Hurricane Katrina evacuees needed style and protection, so they chose a SteelMaster q-hut to rebuild their home.

State-of-the-Art Fitness Center Chooses Quonset Hut Design

Contemporary beauty, unique design, It’s all under the customized steel arches of the new, state-of-the-art American Energy Fitness Center in Oklahoma City.

High Velocity Hurricane Zone (HVHZ) Certified Structures

SteelMaster’s High Velocity Hurricane Zone Certified buildings are engineered to the highest standards and are able to withstand the strongest winds.

Preserve Your Antique Car Collection With The Perfect Garage

In just a few days with only three friends to help, an Indiana man finally built his dream workshop and created the perfect space to store his prized 1950 Ford Deluxe.

Vintage Garage Decor and Design: Tips for a Timeless Space

Check out how Retiree Wayne MacDonald built his own garage for his antique cars and get some tips on planning and designing a garage of your own.

Steel Storage Building and Stable

Rick D. needed a steel storage building and stable to replace the wooden building that caught fire and caused massive amounts of damage.

Steel Storage Shed in Michigan

Steel storage shed in Michigan is a sure hit with their 50 year warranty, use of prefabricated steel and opportunity for custom design.

Add a Wood Burning Stove to Your Steel Building

Although steel buildings are designed to stay warm throughout the cold weather, a wood burning stove is a great way to add extra warmth.