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SteelMaster Relief Shelters in War-Torn South Sudan

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three men standing in front of quonset hut arch on the ground

After tens of thousands were killed, years of conflict, and thousands of homeless residents were left to fend for themselves, the war-torn South Sudan is still struggling to find peace in their newfound independence.

AECOM, an international company that provides engineering, consulting and project management services for infrastructure projects, has stepped up to assist this country and they purchased several SteelMaster buildings to help them in their efforts.

The country, located in northeastern Africa, split from Sudan in 2011. They are at war with seven armed groups who accuse the government of planning to stay in power indefinitely without fairly representing all tribal groups.

After the country became independent, just two years later a civil war broke out in December 2013. Over two million residents there have been displaced due to the constant fighting and bloodshed. Thousands more have decided to flee the country in search of a more stabilized environment.

AECOM is now working through the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) program called Viable Support to Transition Stability (VISTAS). The company was awarded a $110-million prime contract to support the program. It’s expected to be carried out over a five-year period.

This program was created to prevent the spread of violence and to calm tensions in the country. VISTAS is designed to strengthen the citizens’ confidence and capacity to address problems in the country.

AECOM contacted SteelMaster Buildings through their subcontractor Arkel SallyPort to create steel structures that will be used as medical warehouses and storage facilities for medical supplies. The buildings will also be used as relief shelters in the area.

They purchased four A-model structures, three 16’x 52′ and one 16’x 66′.

The buildings were sent from a SteelMaster factory to the Port of Mombasa, Kenya. It was then delivered by truck inland to South Sudan.

SteelMaster Buildings has years of worldwide experience providing buildings all over the globe. We have delivered to customers in several countries including Chile, Peru, Italy, Mexico, Costa Rica, South Korea, Romania, Honduras, Taiwan, Japan and Greece just to name a few.

We’ve also worked with various companies around the globe including International Environments in Belize, the Norwegian Cruise Line in the Bahamas, Iki Cervecería in Colombia, Hangar 37 in Spain and many more.